Puppet Making

Kando Arts Puppet Making Workshops are designed to help children express themselves creatively. The sessions are relaxed and informal to create a non challenging environment. We believe this is key to encourage all those taking part to produce something special.

When the children have made their puppets they are shown simple puppet manipulation skills. Using these simple techniques, they can bring their unique creations to life in a short drama piece.

Workshops can be tailored to your specific needs and are carefully structured to suit various age groups and skill levels. The workshops listed below can vary from a couple of hours, to a morning or an all day session. These sessions can be developed into more detailed projects which require multiple visits.

  • 1-2 hours: The children make a puppet and are given a brief introduction in manipulation and movement.

  • Full morning/afternoon: A making session followed by a more detailed look at Puppet manipulation and movement. Concluding in a short drama piece.