Drama Workshops

"Once upon a time a thousand years ago, some children acted out an exciting hero tale from a story they had heard from the tribes storyteller the night before. All their lives, make believe had been one of their natural kinds of play; but now they gave it form in story dramatisation"

Winifred Ward - teacher, artist & pioneer of children's theatre

Creative drama has been around for a long time, and although things have changed considerably over the centuries, the benefits to children from drama skills workshops are the same. The process of bringing a character to life is a wonderfully fulfilling and freeing experience.

Benefits of drama
  • Fun!

  • Experience thinking creatively & independently

  • Practise in social cooperation & communication

  • Develop understanding of different people's viewpoints

  • Controlled emotional release

  • Expressing ideas clearly & fearlessly

Drama is a wonderful way for children to learn social skills. It offers a safe environment for social development through role play. These valuable life skills increase self-esteem and confidence in an individual. Acting out scenes, using role play, developing imagination through story devising can also be a great outlet for bright but not academically minded children.

These activities can also give a feeling of achievement to children who struggle with school work. Another of the many benefits of Drama work in schools is its flexibility; workshops can be linked with, English, Music, History, Art etc. Theatre in education is an established and effective approach to learning.

This makes it a marvellous vehicle for general knowledge. As with all of our activities they can be adapted to suit a variety of ages. We can offer workshops from an hour to a morning or all day session. We look forward to hearing from you.
