Circus Skills

The Kando Circus Workshops are fun and exciting. A great way to exercise and help you keep fit. Get in to a spin with a Diablo, Hoy a Poi (pronounced ‘Poy’) and discover how a peacock feather can improve balance. Circus workshops can significantly help a young person adopt a healthy lifestyle by taking part in exciting activities.

Sessions are tailored to suit the various stages of child development, from pre-school up to sixth form. These versatile workshops are well suited to any creative curriculum.

We also have a variety of Manipulation Equipment to improve motor skills, an important part of physical development in children.

Benefits of circus skills
  • Improved hand-eye coordination

  • Greater confidence

  • Fun way to exercise

  • Team building skills

  • Increased concentration

  • Boost self-esteem & self-image


Workshop times and duration are flexible to suit your needs. You may require an hour or an all day session; or perhaps a weekly program as an after schools club activity. Whatever you decide on we guarantee a fun energetic session for all.